Cittadella dello Sport – Ferrara, Italy

Craftsmen involved:

The project will involve wood craftsmen, metal craftsmen and glass workers who will work in synergy to define the interiors of the buildings.

Project duration:

Work in progress

Client’s goal:

The client wanted to redevelop an entire plot of land in the outskirts of Ferrara. By bringing together the local sports clubs of different disciplines, he wanted to create synergies between them and make their structures more efficient. The presence of a restaurant and other shops will help make the area a place of interest in the city.

Material Used:

Materials with high durability capability will be used for the furnishings as they are suitable for an intensive use.

Client’s goal:

The client’s request was to renovate completely the room. He wanted to keep the layout of the rooms unchanged but radically intervening on the style, passing from a rustic one to a refined and elegant one, consequently changing the customer-positioning target. Specially designed and manufactured lighting bodies have enhanced some of the strengths of the structure, such as the vaulted ceiling of one room and the wooden ceiling of another. 

Materials Used:

Coverings in Boubuche, laminates, powder coated metal sheets, Corian and marble were used for the interior furnishings.


Palermo Restaurant – Palermo, Italy

Craftsmen involved:

The wood craftsmen, the metal craftsmen and the demotic technician for the lighting part worked on the project.

Project duration:

10 weeks


Requalification of office – Italy

Craftsmen involved:

The wood and metal craftsmen worked on the project

Project duration:

6 weeks

Client’s goal:

The client’s request was to renovate a large open space office in a traditional setting, where 4 professionals work. The office needed to be transformed into a decidedly more modern and optimized workspace. It would allow not only to have boxes where professionals could meet, brainstorm or do presentations with clients, but also a workplace where they can have calls in complete privacy and without disturbing colleagues. The result is a welcoming workplace, on a human scale, which increases their productivity.

Materials used:

Wood coatings, sound-absorbing materials, and high durability materials were used for the furnishings.

Lugano CH

+41 0795673729